Current Tokens (not all channels are currently supported) for Multi PBR sets are:
color Tokens : "albedo.", "_albedo", "_color", "_clr", "_basecolor", "_col", "_diffuse", "_diff.", "_diff_"
roughness Tokens : "_rough", "_rgh", "_gloss", "_glss"
normal Tokens : "_norm", "_normal", "_n.", "_nrm.", "_nrm_"
disp Tokens : "_disp", "_dsp.", "_dis.", "_hgt", "_height"
ao Tokens : "_ao.", "_ambientocclusion"
sss tokens : "_sss_", "_subsur"
emission Tokens : "_emission", "_luminosity", "glow"
opacity Tokens : "_opacity", "_trans", "_alpha", "_mask", "_sprite"
specular Tokens : "_spec", "_refl"
metal Tokens : "_met"
bump Tokens : "_bump", "_bmp"
cavity Tokens : 'cavity'
translucency Tokens : 'translucency'
ao Tokens : 'ao', 'ambientocclusion', 'ambient_occlusion'
refraction Tokens : 'refraction','refr'
Materials for Multi PBR sets can easily be created when in “Multi-Sets” Mode. When you are in the mode, an orange outline indicates that you are only seeing the diffuse texture of a multi texture PBR set. A right click option is now available to create a material using the entire set.
While the option to create a material is also available without enabling the Multi-Sets mode, it would simply create a diffuse material for each of the images in a set.