Substance Painter is a fast and easy bridge to get your geometry into Substance Painter and the resulting texture sets back into Houdini.


The Substance Painter exchange requires UV Mapped geometry. The geometry is sent to Substance Painter, which you can then texture and after export you can automatically bring in and setup the Material in Houdini.

<aside> 💡 In case you would want to rename a material, make sure you rename the material within Houdini instead of Substance Painter (by assigning a new shop_materialpath - in a primitive wrangle: s@shop_materialpath = "surfacename";


<aside> ⚠️ You have to use the PBR Metal Roughness template in Substance Painter for the filenames to have the proper formatting. If you choose another template, make sure the output has the same formatting.


<aside> ⚠️ A new "Remote Scripting" Mode was added (build 4.21+) For STEAM users, this is required as the traditional method does not work with the stream version.

Painter will be launched with remote scripting enabled, and there is a timeout of 11 seconds, in which time painter has to be launched. Sending from Houdini to painter with remote scripting, will close the currently open file in Painter, and create a new file, so be careful regarding having lost work.

With the STEAM version, you get a popup asking whether you want to run the application with these additional arguments, so you need to make sure you click ok, and have painter launched within the 11 seconds timeout.

On OSX, the path to the application has to be set to (yes, the full string): ~~"/Applications/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/Adobe Substance 3D Substance 3D Painter" --enable-remote-scripting~~ The path the the .app application in the /Application folder, most likely: /Applications/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/Adobe Substance 3D


Brief Overview

Updated Features




Useful Hints & Tips