Whether you are a new, or existing customer you can purchase/upgrade at the Store.

You can Purchase ODTools at the Origami Digital, LLC Store.

With ODTools 2021, I am implementing a maintenance agreement (NOT SUBSCRIPTION).

I don't feel this is really a huge change, but certainly a fair one. Since ODTools was released in 2019, there hasn't been any update fees and to date, has received 568 !!! updates since its inception. So far, I simply raised the price sporadically as the product grew. This has become a bit unfair for new customers and I simply do not want to raise the base price of ODTools any more. I want as many artists as possible to be able to afford this toolset as I believe it will make a huge difference in people's workflow and efficiency, and for that to work, the base-price has to remain low.

If you are a new customer wanting to purchase ODTools, you simply purchase OD Shelftools 2021 for Houdini. The price remains the same as before, at US$ 99.95.

If you are an existing customer, the OD Shelftools download in your account remains as is. The version is frozen at 3.998 and as all licenses are perpetual, will not expire.

As an existing and loyal customer, should you choose to update to the latest version of ODTools, you can purchase OD Shelftools 2021 for Houdini at a discounted rate. A coupon will have been emailed to you, and you simply enter it when you check-out the cart in the store. There's a coupon section there for you to enter.

Discounts are adjusted based on the following:

The Discount dates have been removed as they were no longer valid. The renewal for another year of maintenance is the original price minus 15%.

Essentially what this boils down to, is that with each purchase, you get one year of free upgrades (maintenance). After that maintenance expires, you can choose to either purchase another maintenance year (at a discounted price) or continue to use your current version without receiving any updates.

Thank you very much for your continued support,

Oliver Hotz