First Install

  1. Simply unzip the folder into a folder of your choice. Typically I make a folder called: ODHoudiniShelfTools2021 and copy it into the houdini documents folder.
    On Windows, that folder is c:\Users\<yourusername>\Documents\houdini19.5 On OSX, that folder should be at ~/Library/Preferences/houdini/19.5 On Linux, you can most likely find it here: ~/houdini19.5
  2. Copy the ODHoudiniShelfTools.json into your houdini packages folder. The packages folder is typically present in the houdini19.0 documents folder, but if not, simply create it. This is, where you store the 3rd party package .json setup files.
    1. If you are choosing to put the tools into a different location, modify the paths in the .json file. The default assumes that the ODHoudiniShelftools2021 folder was copied right into the Houdini documents folder. In any case, check whether the path specified as "HOUDINI_PATH" points to the correct path of your ODHoudiniShelfTools folder.

      <aside> ⚠️ If you copied the ODHoudiniShelfTools2021 folder to your c:/temp folder, the original Houdini Path line:

      {"HOUDINI_PATH" : "$HOUDINI_PACKAGE_PATH/../ODHoudiniShelfTools2021"}

      should read: {"HOUDINI_PATH" : "c:/temp/ODHoudiniShelfTools2021"},

      By default, the shipped .json file assumes that the location is relative to the packages folder. That's what the special variable $HOUDINI_PACKAGE_PATH is. It essentially automatically points to that packages folder that we talk about in step 2, and everything past that, is just the relative location to a folder, so ../ means one folder up from there, etc.

      (for more information on package files consult the houdini documentation. You can keep folders relative for easy portability, etc)


The Package .json File (What is it and how do I configure it?)

The package .json file has a few entries that help you customize or change the behavior of how ODTools for Houdini operates.

  1. EnableAssetLibThreading (Depreciated - The library now always works in threaded mode)

By default its at 0, which means all the thumbnails will be loaded first, then displayed and the UI is given back to use. This is extremely stable, but also slow in cases where you have large directories.

Optionally, you can set this to 1, which enables async loading of the images, meaning, while the thumbnails are being read, the UI updates. This enables for a much more pleasant user experience, but comes with a few warnings. You still have to wait for the UI to finish, and you will get many warnings in the console. Those are just warnings though, and instead of closing the console, just minimize it.
Since its easy to change the modes, feel free to experiment and see which is the best option for you.

  1. ODRendererPreference

By default, is set to "Prompt", which means you'll get prompted anytime a renderer selection action is needed by an odtools tool. You can set this preference to one of the following choices: "Prompt", "Octane", "Redshift", "3Delight", "Renderman", "VRay", "Arnold", "USD PreviewSurface", "MaterialX" (MaterialX is for H19+ only)

  1. ODFBXPreference

By default, is set to "Prompt", which means you'll get prompted anytime an fbx action is needed by an odtools tool. You can set this preference to one of the following choices: "Agent", "File", "FBX as Scene", "Labs Import", "KineFX Character Import", "KineFX Anim Import"

  1. djvpath Path to a popular flipbook viewer that can be used with the right click on parm "open in" function

  2. photoshoppath Path to the Adobe Photoshop Executable that can be used with the right click on parm "open in" function

  3. affinitypath Path to the Affinity Photo application that can be used with the right click on parm "open in" function.

Python Panels

We recommend adding some of the python panels to your default desktop. That's typically as simple as clicking the Plus button on a pane and selecting the appropriate panel. However, should the panels not show up in that dropdown list, you have to add them to the list manually. Once you go to the Pane Tab Menu tab, you should see all the OD Panels on the left side and can simply drag them to the right. After that, they should be available in the dropdown.


To Update

<aside> 💡 To Update from ODShelfTools to ODShelftools 2021

Simply log into your Account, and download the the latest version. You can overwrite the old install. and just continue as usual

When you log into the store, the date of the file in your downloads is irrelevant. It always points to the newest version.
