Creating Thumbnails is as simple as right clicking on a thumbnail, or and empty space in the view and selecting Build Thumbnails. If items are selected, only selected Items will be thumbnailed. If none are selected, it is treated as everything is selected.

FBX Thumbnails

<aside> ⚠️ Thumbnails for items, are encoded by where the original item is on disk. If you change the path of the original item outside the library, the thumbnail will no longer be found, as it is not in the original path anymore. If you move/copy an item within the library, the path of the thumbnail will automatically be adjusted.


Material Thumbnails

<aside> ⚠️ If you don't like the shaderball that is generated when creating material thumbnails, you can modify the /obj level HDA yourself. Find the one belonging to your renderer, and modify, ie. ODFX_AssetLibMatThumbs_Octane

You have to keep the "shared" material name the same, as that's the one being overwritten when used.

You will have to do this process every time you receive an update, so we advise to simply keep a backup of your modified HDA, that after update you can copy into the folder and overwrite the shipped version. Should anything change that will make this process not work, we will alert to it in the changelog.


Using existing thumbnails from disk for items in the asset library (mass import), make sure you click into an empty area in the thumbnail view.


This function requires a .txt file, that’s simply formatted lines, starting with each line with the same full path as the asset would have in the asset library, then a semicolon (;) and then the path to the thumbnail.


User provided use-case (Adobe Substance Library)

Konstantin Kovalenko looked at the Adobe Substance Library (exported as textures, not sbsar/sbs) and was kind enough to provide the following code to use the preview renders from the library with above method.

import os
import os.path

folder = "D:\\LIBRARY\\TEXTURES\\SubstanceMaterials\\_MATS\\PAVEMENT"
txt = "D:/ODTools/test.txt"

with open(txt, 'w') as f:

    for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(folder):
        for x in files:
            if "tx" not in x:
                if "_baseColor" in x:
                    base = os.path.join(path, x).replace("\\\\", "/")
                    preview = os.path.join(path, x).replace("_baseColor", "").replace(" ", "").replace("1", "").replace("\\\\", "/")
                    if not os.path.isfile(preview):
                    if os.path.isfile(preview):
                elif "_Base_Color" in x:
                    base = os.path.join(path, x).replace("\\\\", "/")
                    preview = os.path.join(path, x).replace("_Base_Color", "").replace("\\\\", "/")
                    if not os.path.isfile(preview):
                    if os.path.isfile(preview):
                elif "_Albedo" in x:
                    base = os.path.join(path, x).replace("\\\\", "/")
                    preview = os.path.join(path, x).replace("_Albedo", "").replace("jpg", "png").replace("_2K", "").replace("\\\\", "/")
                    if not os.path.isfile(preview):
                    if os.path.isfile(preview):

Konstantin’s documentation is as follows: