Creates a batch file on the users Desktop (you can change the default location in the script itself) and adds the currently selected Hip File to it. At any point in time, you can just double click on the file on your desktop, and it will execute the render for all added Files.

The Batch script uses Houdini Hython and assumes all output paths and frame ranges were setup in the original hip file

This can also be called via python:

def createRenderBatchFile(location=None, outContext="/out", mode=None, fullLocationFile=None, notes=None, extraString=None):
  '''Creates a batch file to use for command line rendering
      location: flle location to write
      outContext: the context in wich to search for rops.  It will create a command line for all Rops that are active.
      mode: 0 = Entire Frame Range
            1 = Active Frame Range
            2 = Frame Range thats Specified in the Rop
            If no Mode is specified, a user is prompted with a popup to chooose its range.
      fullLocationFile: full path to outputfile (overrides location folder)
      notes: a REM line is added with the notes,ie. filepath
      extraString: This string specifies to be written by itself without anything else, simply a way to write a line to the batch file.