How, and what can be added to the Library from within Houdini.

  1. ODZip

ODZip items get imported by default into a temporary folder. This folder, is automatically cleared and overwritten anytime you import an odzip. In the preferences, you can set the “create unique temp” folder option, which will create a unique temp folder for each import. Should you want to store the assets that are included in an odzip in a more permanent location, you can choose the “import to environment” option and store them in that location. When a file is imported to the environment, it is only copied into the folder when it does not already exist there. When it does exist, the existing file is reference

  1. HDA
  2. USD
  3. BGEO
  4. Redshift Proxy
  5. Octane Proxy
  6. VRay Proxy
  7. Node Setting

Simply drag a material builder vop into the Asset Library. Make sure that you have the folder, in which you want to copy the material, is selected in the Library. A thumbnail for your material is automatically rendered, as the material is added to the library.